Minggu, 09 Desember 2018


What is creative?
Creativity means to create, discover, deliver innovation and renewal such as equipment, systems, and products. Human beings given with the gift to create, taste and will. That’s all related to creativity. These are five examples of creativity:
       Writing Creativity
Writing is the most basic thing learned by humans since childhood. From 26 alphabets can be made and assembled into million words and sentences. The result of writing creativity can be enjoyed such as short stories, poetry, novels, newspapers, magazines, and scientific journals.
       Creativity of voice
Creativity of voices can produce singers, choirs, presenter, musician, and songwriter. Millions of song can be created from 7 tones.
      Creativity of the image
Image creativity will produce a painter, designer, or architect. From three primary colors can produce various kinds of paintings. The creativity of design will produced various type framework system, equipment or buildings.

      Motion of Body Creativity
            The examples of this creativity are dance and sports.  Various body motion can be developed as modern or traditional dance. Another body motion also make kind of sport such as gymnastics, yoga, aerobics, Zumba, Pilates, etc.
       Creativity of product
Creativity is unlimited. All product in the world are result of creativity. For examples: chef with special recipes, artists, programmer, animator, movie maker, and etc.
Why students need to be creative                   
It is important for students to enhance creativity. Because creativity can expressing their young energy become something more meaningful. By creative actualization, students will able to optimizing their talent and become who they really are. They can creatively according their talents, gifts and interest. Creativity can bring up achievement by join competition. Many competitions need creativity. Achievements will make students more confidence. The other reason why students need to be creative, because creativity can be used as skill of life. They can become creative doctor, creative accounting, creative businessman, or entrepreneurship. It is will give added value.

The barriers become creative in school
It is not easy to become a creative students because there are some barrier to avoid them. Here some commons barrier often found in school:
       Formal Education System
Sometimes education system itself becomes a barrier. Only few school program can develop the creativity of students. Too formal education system will make students stiff like a robots.
       Psychologist Problem
As teenager, students have many problems like family problems, friendship issues, or problems in schools with teacher and schoolmates. Psychologist problems can be a barrier that make students are not able to think creatively.
       Afraid to try and fail
Creative thinking will produce new ideas, sometimes weird, unusual, and unique. Students need courage to express their ideas. Students often afraid to try because they are afraid to be blamed or make mistake.
       No role models
Students need role model to become creative. If their idol show the creativity, then the students will creative too. In fact, there are few role models that makes students creative.
The solutions to increase student’s creative thinking
Creative thinking can be trained. Imagination and discussion is necessary to improve the creativity of students. Here are four solution can be used to increase student’s creative thinking:
a)       Happiness
Creativity is not about tools. You cannot creative if you are not happy. Creativity is like playing. Creativity is born spontaneously. Be happy will boost creative thinking.
b)       Creative teachers
Creative attract creative. Creative people attract creative people. Creative teacher will attract creative students. By being creative teachers indirectly make creative students too. Teaching creatively is one technique become creative teacher. Teacher should find a method to make student happy. Teacher could use the guides from internet or books about creative teaching. For example is the book titled “Mengajar Sains Yang Menyenangkan di dalam Kelas disertai 50 Tips dan Teknik Kreatif” written by the author.
c)      Sources of creativity
Problems is a source of creativity. Problems solving need creative thinking. By understanding the problem, students will be triggered to find solutions of the problem. It is need discussion, teamwork also imagination.
Hobby is fun and interesting activity doing by someone. Various things could used as hobby. It will increase creative thinking. Because hobby will make people happy. Sometimes inspiration will come when people doing something what he like to do.
Idols or role models can give creativity impact such as a student, parents, teacher, sister, or friend. Students will imitate their creative idol.
Today is easy to access information from internet, mass media, social media and television. From various information can bring out the creativity of students. Combination of information will give new fresh idea.
Nature is a source of creativity. The idea of creativity can arise from observations in nature. For example, airplane is result of imitating how birds fly. There are still many nature object can give creative idea.
d)     Exercise to improve creative students
         Do the easiest thing
Do the easiest thing. If it cannot be done then it is not the easiest thing. From difficult thing it is surely have the easiest part that can to do. Repeat this step will give amazing result can never imagined before.
·           Dare to try
Trying is the best exercise to push creative thinking. Do not make decision failed or succeeded quickly. Creativity is a process, just try and do not stop at a certain point. Focus to the progress will give new energy to keep trying.
·           Right questions to right people
Questions is a basic thing to solve problems. The right question means nothing if asked to the wrong person.  In right place, student’s creative thinking will be optimized.
Kaizen is one of the Japanese principles that prioritizing continuous improvement. If cannot reach 100%, then 90%, or 80%. It can trigger the creativity of students with no pressure.
The Example of Creative Activity
All fields can be used for creativity. The example of creativity by students and teacher are research and usage of information technology.
1.       Research
Research is suitable way for students and teachers to developing creative thinking. 
2.       Usage  of Information Technology
As a digital native generation, students is owner of technology, internet, and gadgets. Student could use media information technology such as YouTube, Instagram, and BlogSpot to express their creativity. For examples, student can upload experiment video on YouTube. The results of the discussion can be written in BlogSpot, social media and so on. With technology, students not only as users but also as creator of innovation. This is also can be used by teacher. Uploading teaching materials in YouTube or blog will give effectiveness. Students can easily learn again and again by watching the video.
Re-creative and Character
Creativity is never end. The results of a creativity will bring new creative ideas. If student already have creative product, it will give new fun challenges to make another creative thing. Of course it will build student Cc5(Compassion, celebration, competence, conviction, creativity, community) character.
Nothing wrong or right about creativities. Just express the student energy. Some say the student was "bad", in fact it is just one of creativity form but uncontrolled and irresponsible. An example is vandalism. It is can be directed to the painting studios or graffiti competition.  The task of teacher is to enhance student’s creativity. One of example is to make students happy. It is need happy and creative teacher. Because the creative energy will radiate from teacher to students. Creativity is unlimited. If the sky unlimited, so the limit is the sky. This article is also form of creativity result.

Bruce Joyce, MW (2016). Models of Teaching. Yogyakarta: Student Library.
Paul Eggen, DK (2012). Strategy and Learning Model. West Jakarta: Index.
Photo source: personal documentation

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